Call us (03) 365 4811
Sun - Thu: 11am-10pm
Fri & Sat: 11am-11pm
Call us (03) 365 0045
Sun - Thu: 11am-10pm
Fri & Sat: 11am-11pm
What's Up?
Point your questions to our super duper people below.
Leader of the Pack, Business Brainwaves,
Suppliers, Orders, Organics, Ingredients & Fruit!
Let’s chat to Jed 021 214 6631 or email
Marketing, Fun Stuff, Clever Collaborations,
Funk Trunk Bookings & Events
Speak to Tania 021 78 0278 or email
Wanna join the Rollickin Crew?
Anton's the person to talk to! 027 345 8031 or email
Anything to do with accounts.
Vanessa would love to help! Email on
Sponsorship & fundraising help.
Biggest thanks for thinking of us!
It’s super cool hearing about all the great things people are doing in our community to help others.
You are truly AWESOME!!!
We are overwhelmed with all these worthy requests. Rollickin loves supporting our community,
however sadly, our community support budget is well & truly exhausted & allocated already for the year.
We really appreciate your understanding
& wish you all the very best.
Anything Else? Talk to Frank.
(Our Orangutan mascot)
Think you’re a Rollickiner?

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And hear about our latest goss, whips, desserts, events & fun stuff.