Mrs Claus
Merrily whiskin Strawberries and snowy Cheesecake Gelato with organic milk singing tra la la la lahhh and decking the house-made Rudolph Red Velvet Cake with Santa’s personal favourite - White Chocolate Fudgey Wudgey Sauciness. Mrs Claus really loves you jolly Santa! X
"The way to a mans heart is through his stomach" Mrs Claus tells us and we all know Mr Claus is partial to a good dessert treat when he is sleighing across the world.
This is the Christmas special ice cream dessert created by the woman behind all of Santa's good work.
Sleigh on in Santa & fuel on up!
Rollickin Gelato Cafes are open late & have Reindeer parks.
Pst. We hand pack Party Tubs on the fly on request!